I Was Born This Way


I Was Born This Way:

Understanding Temperament

3 hours

Not all children sharing a classroom behave the same way, although they all may be in a similar age group. This workshop will explore the different aspects of temperament and how to use this knowledge in your child care setting to create a goodness of fit between you and the children in your care. When you do this, you’ll find that you create a much more peaceful classroom environment. Geared towards infant and toddler teachers.

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In this course, we will cover the following topics:

  • The Nine Temperament Traits
  • Temperament Styles
  • Influences on Temperament
  • Temperament and Culture
  • Analyzing Temperament Traits
  • Goodness of Fit
  • Strategies for Goodness of Fit

You’ll explore the specific temperament traits, but more importantly you’ll discover the importance of finding a goodness of fit between you and the child. Geared towards teachers of infants and toddlers.

Approved in HI, IN, KY, NC, MI and OH.