That’s Mine! Understanding Peer Relationships in Infant Toddler Classrooms


That’s Mine!

Understanding Peer Relationships in Infant Toddler Classrooms

1.5 hours

Facilitating the social competence of young children is a subject that has gained popularity in the media in recent years.  News of school shootings and violence has prompted leaders to review research on the effects of social isolation and inappropriate social relationships in children.  On the reverse side, research suggests that children that are socially competent are happier, more successful in interactions with others, more popular, more satisfied with life, and experience greater success in school. With implications such as these, it is imperative for early care professionals to understand how to promote positive peer relationships from the start. Infants and toddlers move through many stages of play on the road to developing social competence. In this course we’ll explore what social competence is and how it develops, how children develop friendships in the early years, and the stages of play that children exhibit.

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In this course, we will cover the following topics:

  • Social Competence
  • The Development of Peer Relationships
  • The 6 Stages of Play

Approved in OH, KY, HI, IN, MI & NC.