Creative Arts Experiences
For Infants and Toddlers
2.0 hours
Note: This class is still pending approval in North Carolina.
Infants and toddlers engage their creativity and curiosity in many different ways in an attempt to better understand the world around them and to find a way to express their own feelings. For children who may not yet have the ability to communicate verbally, creative experiences can be the most effective way for them to express what they are feeling. Opportunities for developing creativity are provided to infants and toddlers as sensory experiences or creative arts. In this course, we will explore creativity for young children, specifically including the areas of art, music, and movement for infants and toddlers. These activities not only enhance children’s creativity, but they can also boost children’s ability to analyze, problem solve, and practice fine motor skills….along with the myriad of cognitive skills that are enhanced.
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I Was Born This Way:
Understanding Temperament
3 hours
Not all children sharing a classroom behave the same way, although they all may be in a similar age group. This workshop will explore the different aspects of temperament and how to use this knowledge in your child care setting to create a goodness of fit between you and the children in your care. When you do this, you’ll find that you create a much more peaceful classroom environment. Geared towards infant and toddler teachers.
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Creating a Culturally Inclusive
Infant and Toddler Classroom
2.0 hours
Working with young children – or on behalf of them – has increasingly meant taking into account the effect of caretakers and other family members on the development of the child. Adding families to the mix often calls us to step out of ourselves – our ways of thinking, our ways of doing – to better understand the people we serve. It has become clearer and clearer that when families interact with their children, they bring more to this interaction than their own personal way of doing things. They bring the weight of their cultural beliefs, values, and behaviors. Building strong relationships with families requires that early care professionals recognize and understand their own beliefs, feelings, assumptions, and reactions – and how they can influence their interactions with families. This course will explore all of these areas and provide strategies for building inclusive partnerships with families.
Math & Science for Infants and Toddlers
2.5 hours
Infants and toddlers naturally engage in both math and science activities. Our job, as their caregivers, is to enhance the environment so that opportunities for math and science play abound! While we can plan for these activities, much of math and science for this age group revolves our communication to children, so we’ll spend some time exploring this concept as well as activities. We’ll begin by looking at some foundations for cognitive development and math/science development, and then we will get into specific math and science ideas.
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One Classroom, Many Languages:
Strategies for Dual Language Learners
7.5 hours
Nearly one in three US children live in a household where a language other than English is spoken. Dual language learners are a diverse group of children, and include all children in a household where someone speaks a language other than English. Including dual language learners in your classroom can be challenging, particularly when you don’t speak the child’s home language. In this course, you’ll learn more about the universal nature of language development, how to support language learning for all children, and how to specifically support dual language learners in your classroom. This class is designed for teachers of infant, toddler, and preschool classrooms, but does have a heavy emphasis on infant and toddler classrooms.
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Routines & Transitions:
The Heart of Infant Toddler Curriculum
3 hours
Routines and transitions are a critical part of any early care classroom. In infant and toddler classrooms, they make up much of the curriculum and learning experiences. This course will discuss the importance of these components and give you insight into how to make the most of these learning experiences.
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Social Emotional Development:
The Foundation for All Curriculum
2.5 hours
Social emotional development is the foundation for all curriculum, especially for infants and toddlers. Throughout this course, we’ll be talking about the various aspects of social and emotional development. While all areas of development are intertwined, it’s important to realize that there is nothing that happens in the brain that doesn’t first pass through the emotional center of the brain. Therefore having a secure understanding of social-emotional development is essential when it comes to providing quality environments for young children. This class is geared towards infant and toddler teachers.
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Supporting Motor Development in Infant Toddler Classrooms:
2 hours
Motor skills support development in all domains because they assist children in exploring their environment and interacting with people and things. Mastering both fine and large motor skills are important for children’s growth and independence. This course will explore how to create an environment that supports both large motor and fine motor development in infant toddler classrooms. We will also examine creating outdoor environments for infants and toddlers.
Approved in OH, KY, HI, IN & MI. Pending approval in NC.
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Teaching to the Brain:
Brain Development Principles for the Early Childhood Classroom
5 hours
We’ve all heard of teaching to the test, and we all know that this strategy has no long-term success for children’s learning. Instead, I suggest “teaching to the brain”….using what we know about how the brain develops to influence what we do in our classrooms. During the first five years of life, the brain develops at a rapid speed. Although the brain can be trained to memorize pieces of information, true learning and understanding comes from experiences that are tailored to the way the brain develops during these important years. In this session, we will explore the developing brain in connection with planning appropriate environments and experiences for young children that maximize the foundation for later learning. Geared towards anyone who works with children of any age.
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That’s Mine!
Understanding Peer Relationships in Infant Toddler Classrooms
1.5 hours
Facilitating the social competence of young children is a subject that has gained popularity in the media in recent years. News of school shootings and violence has prompted leaders to review research on the effects of social isolation and inappropriate social relationships in children. On the reverse side, research suggests that children that are socially competent are happier, more successful in interactions with others, more popular, more satisfied with life, and experience greater success in school. With implications such as these, it is imperative for early care professionals to understand how to promote positive peer relationships from the start. Infants and toddlers move through many stages of play on the road to developing social competence. In this course we’ll explore what social competence is and how it develops, how children develop friendships in the early years, and the stages of play that children exhibit.
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The Psychology Behind Behavior
4.5 hours
This training is a must-have for all teachers and parents of young children. This unique workshop blends the worlds of psychology and early childhood to help you understand why children (and adults) behave the way they do. We’ll take a deep dive into classroom behavior and look at how the brain develops and influences behavior and typical reasons why children misbehave. Teachers will walk away with a better understanding of why the children are doing what they are doing as well as insights into their own reactions. We’ll discuss concrete strategies for helping children through challenging behaviors so that teachers feel equipped to handle the children in their classrooms. Geared towards anyone who works with children of any age.
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The Uniqueness of Infant Toddler Classrooms:
2.5 hours
Is your infant or toddler classroom structured specifically for that age group, or is it more like a watered-down version of the preschool classrooms in your program? Programming specifically for children from birth to 36 months of age is vital. Infant and toddler child care has grown exponentially in the last 20 years. Research increasingly stresses the impact of quality on children and their families. However, many infant and toddler teachers (and directors) approach this age group from a preschool background and perspective. This provides a challenge for programs to support the development of effective teachers who are able to provide for the unique needs, interests, and abilities of infants and toddlers. This workshop will address the similarities and differences between infant-toddler classrooms and preschool classrooms and provide a fresh perspective to arranging your infant-toddler classroom to target the uniqueness of this age group.